M.V.D.O. Members Login

Members Login

User Name:

Enter your user name and password in the box above to enter the M.V.D.O. Members section. In the Members section an M.V.D.O. member can

  • enter and edit your own personal contact information
  • vote on league rules and procedures
  • vote on the election of the M.V.D.O. Executive Board
  • if you are a captain - enter your teams scores from a match and have them instantly added to the standings

How to get a user name/password

Option 1: You must have a valid phone number and email address on file with the M.V.D.O.

In the form below enter your name, phone number and email that is on file with the M.V.D.O. Also enter your requested user name and password. If the name, phone and email information you enter matches what's in the M.V.D.O. database, then your account will be created.

New Member Login

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Home Phone: 
User name: 



  • Make sure you try all spellings of your name. (i.e. Sam or Sammy or Samuel)
  • Make sure you try all variations of your telephone number. (i.e 314-555-5555 or 555-5555)
  • Make sure there are no extra spaces in any of the text you enter.


Option 2: You do not have a valid phone number and email address on file with the M.V.D.O.

Send a request in the form of an email to Dave Madison with your full name, phone number, email address, requested user name and requested password. You will receive a confirmation email back within 1-7 days confirming or denying your request.

Forgot your user name/password

If you forgot either your user name or your password or you are experiencing trouble attempting to log on or create a login account - send an email with a description of your issue to Dave Madison.